

单机游戏2024-12-25 阅读()

内同和前缀相同 不过是物品后缀属性修正

另外注意一下 在后缀英文中 有很多用词是属于重复的 但却分在不同功能下



Attack 攻击
of the Lion 狮子之

Vitality 活力
of the Ox 公牛之
of the Impala 黑瞪羚之
of Discipline 戒训之
of Perseverance 坚持不懈之
of the Ox Unrelenting 不屈的公牛之
of Fortitiude Stubborn 倔强顽固之
of Fortitiude Chivalry 勇猛骑士之
of Fortitiude Stalwart 毅力顽强之
of Fitness 健康之
of Fortitiude 刚毅之
of the Jackal 豺狼之
of Invigoration 精力充沛之
of Valor Bravery 勇敢无畏之
of Valor Courage 士气高昂之
of Valor 英勇之
of Glory 荣誉之
of Brawn 肌肉发达之

All Status 全属性
of Mastery 精通之
of Excellence 优秀之
of Dominance 统治之
of Perfection 完美之
of Ascendance 优越之
of the Nephalem 耐法兰之

Life 生命
of the Bear 熊之
of Fortitude 坚固之
of the Undying 不死之
of Tenacity 刚韧之
of Perseverance 不屈之
of Longevity 长寿之

Minimum Damage 最小伤害
of Slaying 杀戮之
of Craftmanship 技巧之
of Devastation 毁坏之
of Destrcution 毁灭之
of Severing 切断之
of Severity 猛烈之
of Damnation 非难之

Maximum Damage 最大伤害
of Thrashing 破坏之
of the Tiger 虎之
of Strife 冲突之
of Rage 愤怒之
of Punishment 惩罚之
of Malice 怨恨之

Minimum and Maximum Damage 最小和最大伤害
of Wounding 伤害之
of Gore 淤血之
of Agnoy 痛苦之
of Maiming 残害之
of Maiming Calamity 天灾之
of Misery 悲惨之
of Doom 末日

Fire Damage 火焰伤害
of Flame 火焰之
of Ashes 灰烬之
of Immolation 献祭之
of Scorching 灼热之
of Incineration Catastrophe 灾难之火之

Cold Damage 寒冷伤害
of Winter 寒冬之
of the North 北方之
of the Cliffs 峭壁之
of Arctic 极地之
of Frost 寒冰之
of the Yeti 雪人之
of the Shivers 冰片之
of Chill 寒冷之
of the Avalanche 雪崩之

Lighting Damage 闪电伤害
of the Eel 电鳗之
of the Tempest 暴雨之
of Storms 风暴之
of Storms Upheaval 狂风暴雨之
of Discord 刺耳之
of Hurricane 飓风之
of Discord Lunacy 喧嚣难忍之
of Discord Hysteria 震耳欲聋之
of Conflagration Delirium 精神错乱之

Posion Damage 毒伤害
of the Snake 毒蛇之
of Lesions 损害之
of Illness 病变之
of Sores 疡之
of Blight 枯萎之

Arcane Damage 奥术伤害
of the Raven 乌鸦之
of the Cosmos 宇宙之
of Thought 思想之
of Mind 精神之
of the Old Ones 长者之
of Infinity 无尽之
of Moonlight 月光之
of Star Fire 星火之
of Starlight 星光之
of Madness 疯狂之
of the Void 虚空之
of Insanity 愚顽之
of Void from Beyond 超越虚无之
from Beyond 来自彼岸之
of the Owl 枭之

Haste 急速
of the Hare 野兔之
of the Whirlwind 旋风之
of the Zephyr 西风之
of Celerity 迅捷之
of Recklessness 鲁莽之
of Haste 迅捷之
of Zeal 狂热之

Cast 施法
of the Oracle 甲骨文之
of Brilliance 光辉之
of the Magus 占星师之
of Sorcery 魔力之
of Moonlight Severity 月光皎洁之
of Moonlight Resolve 月光柔美之
of Moonlight Rampant 极夜之光之
of Thaumaturgy 秘术之
of Prophcy 预言家之

Life Steal 生命盗取
of the Vampire Roaring 吸血鬼的咆哮之
of Fiend 瘾君子之
of Ichor 脓水之
of Exsanguination 放血之

Regen 再生
of the Lizard 蜥蜴之
of Scales 鳞片之
of Lizard Audacity 鲁莽蜥蜴之
of Longerity Fortitude 坚强不息之
of Longevity 长命之
of Regeneration 再生之
of the Undying 不灭之
of the Everliving 永生之
of Immortality 不朽之

Block 格挡
of the Tortoise 玳瑁之
of Deflection 歪曲之
of Interception 拦截之
of the Stronghold 要塞之
of Invulnerability 刀枪不入之

Thorns 反伤
of Thorns 荆棘之
of Rose 蔷薇之
of Spikes 尖刺之
of Quills 鹅毛笔之
of Blades 刃之
of Barbs 倒刺之
of Spines 针之
of Razors 剃刀之

Run 奔跑速度
of the Cheetah 猎豹之
of Expedition 远征之
of Haste 疾跑之
of the Journeyman 旅行家之
of the Swift Wind 疾风之
of the Courier 快递之
of Speed 速度之

Damage Resist 免伤
of the Tower 塔楼之
of Protection 保护之
of the Wall 墙壁之
of the Sentry 哨兵之
of Ramparts 堡垒之
of Castle 城堡之
of the Stronghold 大本营之
of the Barricade 壁垒之
of Fortification 工事之
of the Frotress 要塞之
of the Aegis 圣盾之
of the Ivory Tower 象牙塔之

Mana on Hit 命中回蓝
of the Bat 蝙蝠之
of Witchcraft 巫术之
of Craving 渴望之
of Draining 饮取之
of Devouring Inspiration 贪婪之欲之

Mana on Kill 击杀回蓝
of Decimation 屠杀之
of Veneance 复仇之
of Eradication 根除之
of Obliteration 抹杀之
of Annihilation 摧毁之

Life on Hit 命中回血
of the Leech 水蛭之
of Carnage 残杀之
of Gore 刺伤之
of Mangling 碾压之

Life on Kill 击杀回血
of Slaughter 屠戮之
of Phantoms 幻影之
of Mutilation 残缺之
of Extermination 灭绝之
of Conquest 征服之
of Terror 恐惧之

Health Globe Bouns 血球加成
of Recovery 恢复之
of the Adventurer 勇者之
of Euphoria 幸福之
of Ecstasy 销魂之
of Renewal 新生之
of Fortuity 偶遇之
of Vigor 精力之
of Renew Life 重生之
of Bloodthrist 血之渴求之

ResistStun 抗眩晕
of Insolence 傲慢之

ResistRoot 抗缠绕
of the Sergeant 中士之

ResistFreeze 抗冰冻
of Melting  融化之

Holy Damage 神圣伤害
of the Angels 天使之
of Devotion 奉献之
of Humility 人性之
of Smiting 重击之
of Grace 恩赐之
of Sanctity 圣洁之
of the Heavens 天界之

Attack 攻击
of the Lion 狮子之
of Invasion 侵袭之
of the Warlord 军阀之
of Assault 突袭之
of Strife 冲突之
of War 战争
of Death 死神之

Precision 精准
of the Hawk 雄鹰之
of Accuracy 准确之
of Insight 洞察之
of Harm 损害之
of Cruelty 残忍之
of Precision 精准之
of Pain 疼痛之
of Cleaving 劈裂之
of Pain Evisceration 开膛之
of Torment Obliteration 虐杀之

Defence 防御
of the Sentry Paranoia 戒备森严之
of the Sentry 警卫之
of Evasion 闪避之
of the Wary 机警之
of Protection 保护之
of the Aegis 圣盾之

Witchdoctor Damage 巫医伤害
of Bile 胆液之
of the Headhunter 猎头者之
of the Dead 死人之
of the Damned 诅咒之
of the Underworld 尘世之

Wizard Damage 巫师伤害
of the Owl 枭之
of the Moon 月之
of the Mind 精神之
of Miasma 瘴气之
of the Stars 星之
of Annihilation 摧毁之
of Infinity 无尽之

Max Discipline 戒律值上限
of the Wolf 狼之
of Clarity 清晰之
of Certainty 明确之
of Lucidity 清醒之

Sprit Regeneration 内力恢复
of the Tiger 虎之
of Renewal 复苏之
of the Awakening 觉醒之
of the Temple 寺庙之
of Rebirth Bliss 福佑重生之
of Rebirth Paradise 乐园重生之
of Rebirth Harmony 和谐重生之
of Awakening Counsciousness 茅塞顿开之
of Awakening Revalation 启示征兆之
of Awakening Illumination 灵机一动之
of Enlightment 启迪之

Hatred Regeneration 憎恨值恢复
of Spite  刁难之
of Revenge 复仇之
of Retribution 惩戒之
of Bitterness 怨恨之

Maximum Arcane Power 奥术能量最大值
of Memory 回忆之
of Power 力量之
of Madness 疯狂之
of the Alchemist 炼金师之
of Supermacy 霸权之
of Insanity 偏执之
of the Cosmos 宇宙之

Max Mana 最大法力值
of the Cat 猫之
of Visions 幻觉之
of Moxie 勇气之
of Occult 神秘学之
of Intuition 本能之
of Ruin 废墟之
of Mortification 禁欲之
of Decay 衰变之
of Insight 洞察之
of Omens 征兆之
of Lost Soul 迷途的灵魂之
of the Source 起源之

Max Fury最大怒气值
of the Mountain 山之
of Malice 预谋之
of Wrath 愤怒之
of Revolt 反叛之
of Mutiny 暴乱之
of Rage 怒火之
of Turmoil 骚动之
of Recklessness 鲁莽之
of Ferocity 凶残之

Spirt Heals 内力治疗
of the Monkey 猿猴之
of Revelation 真相之
of Harmony 和谐之
of the Exalted 兴奋之
of Emptiness 空虚之

Fury Heals 怒气治疗
of the Badger Intense 惊獾之
of the Badger 獾之
of Havoc 浩劫之
of the Badger Primitive 古獾之
of Ire 忿怒之
of Malevolence 狠毒之

Gold Pick-Up Radius 金币拾取半径
of Gathering 收集之
of Greed 贪婪之
of Miser 吝啬鬼之
of Avarice 守财奴之

REQ 要求(?)
of the Squire 侍从之
of Courage 勇敢之
of Daring 勇者之
of Bravery 勇气之
of Valor 勇猛之

Arcane Power On Critical 暴击后回复奥术能量
of the Warlock 术士之
of Prodigy 奇才之
of Augury 占卜之
of the Magnus 占星师之

Mana Regeneration 法力回复
of the Origin 原生之
of the Flood 洪水之
of the Well Spring 甘泉之
of the Replenishment 灌溉之
of Umbrage 树荫之
of Genesis 天才之


